This week is Scottish Apprenticeship Week!
We are delighted to be celebrating with Reiss our Digital Marketing Apprentice and Matthew who completed his Business Admin Apprenticeship in 2020.
Skills Development Scotland play a huge role in helping those leaving school get onto a career path that is right for them.
Angels' Share Glass have been fortunate enough to take on two apprentices over time - both super eager and ready to learn. As a team we train these apprentices in their new roles within the business, for Reiss he works closely with our Digital Marketing Exec, Loren and Matthew works alongside our Operations staff as he is heavily involved with the Business Admin for the Company.
An apprenticeship is a great opportunity for anyone looking to get a head start in a new field. We invest a lot of time and training into young people and hope to look at upskilling a new glassblower very soon. We also help our young apprenticeships with their personal development too , growing their skills in more aspects than just their chosen field.
With the UK Government now looking to support businesses to train the future workforces, this makes it much easier for small companies like our own to add to our workforce and increase our inhouse skills.
Having young people involved in our Company keeps our ideas fresh and we are constantly learning from them too.
keep up to date with our social media and You tube channel to see how our staff and apprenticeships are doing
If you could go back and pick an apprenticeship, which one would you choose?