The Scotch Whisky Advent Calendar - Door Number 24
Each day in December until Christmas Day we are opening a door on The Scotch Whisky Advent Calendar and posting our tasting notes on our blog.
It's our penultimate door today. We've got Old Spiced Balm from Wemyss Malts. Seems appropriate for Christmas. 1983 Dailuaine 29yo is the actual whisky in the bottle which is at the usual 46%.
On the nose there's lots of sandalwood, sponge cake and caramel with a hint of lemon zest. It's also gristy and has notes of putty, air freshener and hairspray.
On the palate it's zesty and woody. The hairspray is there along with hot pepper.
The finish is very long with lemon zest, caramel and wood notes. Again, a lot of pepper like the palate. A very tingly dram throughout.
With water the nose is fairly similar but perhaps a touch more fragrant. The palate is creamier and less prickly, with more of the citrus evident and the finish is also less peppery but more juicy. Definitely benefits from a couple of drops.
This whisky is quite fresh despite its age but it's a lovely dram to start Christmas Eve with!