We are so excited to share our latest release.
Distillery Reflections
These stunning fused glass pieces are the collaboration of Angels' Share Glass and local glass artists Emma FitzGerald. Emma applied for a job with Angels Share earlier this year and ended up having a conversation with Director karen about producing new pieces for the Company..
Emma is as passionate about glass as Karen and between them they designed and formed these stunning, unique distillery visions. Perfect for the collector or the Distillery fan, everyone has their own favourite distillery which holds memories dear.
Each piece is made from individual pieces of glass all fused and slumped to form the reflection and artists' impression of some of Scotland's iconic Distilleries. Many hours of work go into each reflection.
Emma has been honing her skills in fused glass since late 2013. Originally a science teacher, Emma has merged her science background with a love for making things which extends from her childhood.
Her glass work is driven by a magpie-like fascination for the properties of glass. Flow, texture and reflection are all important concepts and a love for combining techniques to create unique effects is obvious in her work. Using found objects such as driftwood serves to enhance the depth and texture of the pieces she makes.
Emma uses several forms of glass, glass paint and enamels to capture the architectural detail of the spellbinding scenes portrayed in the Distillery Project, an exciting collaboration with Angel’s Share Glass.
For now these pieces will be Pre-order only and requests can be commissioned for certain distilleries. We aim to release new reflections every season and one from each whisky region of Scotland.
The first releases are;

All equal in their charm. Each piece is mounted on a refashioned oak stave by our local cooper, a whisky scented tealight is added to illuminate the glass and we then add our signature Angels' Share Spirit Glass to savour you whisky from that very distillery, if you so choose.
Each piece totally unique , each piece a reminiscent addition to your home.
Do not delay as we do not expect these to be around for long.
You can pre-order yours here