Introducing Our New Glassblower: Bee

A huge Angels' Share welcome to our newest Angel!

Bee is from Huddersfield. Bee first started her journey into glassmaking in 2010 at The National Glass Centre where she graduated from Sunderland in Glass & Ceramics. With extensive experience in the glass blowing community she trained with Northlands Creative Glass in Scotland and Bristol Blue.

In 2013 Bee was lucky enough to enjoy a four-week intensive challenge on Channels 4’s “Monty Don’s Real Craft” in-house with Bristol Blue Glass designing and creating a chandelier for Hotel Du Vin. Bee’s design caught the eye of Angels’ Share Glass owner Karen and so joining the team here in Scotland was a no-brainer for both.

The first two weeks at Angels’ Share Glass has already flown by and Bee was worried her skills wouldn’t be strong enough as she had only dabbled in lamp working and mainly did kiln and hot glass work. She didn’t need to worry though, having the freedom within the ASG studio to consistently practice and having 1 to 1 training from Tom –“Bee really is getting the handle on things quickly and fitting right into our little team” says Tom

“Learning all the processes and techniques that go into Angels' Share’s designs has been the most rewarding part so far and continuing to master the art is also an exciting part of the training”,  says Bee.

“I’m already getting inspiration for future designs and ideas and also can’t wait to start learning about whisky”, an integral part of the Angels’ Share   she just won’t be trying the whisky whilst making the glass! Not yet anyway!
