The Scotch Whisky Advent Calendar - Door Number 4

Each day in December until Christmas Day we are opening a door on The Scotch Whisky Advent Calendar and posting our tasting notes on our blog.

The Scotch Whisky Advent Calendar Door Number 4 Velvet Fig Wemyss Malts

On the 4th of December our dram of the day is Velvet Fig from Wemyss Malts. We've tried this before and indeed it was inside our Valentine's Angels earlier this year. But we're always happy to give it another try! It's bottled at 46%.

On the nose is strawberry jam roll, damson jam, lots of jam! Hints of crème brûlée and oak follow.

On the palate those rich fruits come out to play, with the sherry wood clearly evident. Burnt sugars, a subtle hint of treacle and some spices mingle too.

The finish is like sucking on sherry barrel a good way! There's dark chocolate and a sooty note to end.

With water the nose is less sweet and more woody, with a creamier, meatier palate and more wood coming through on the finish.

This is a great winter warmer. Just a shame you can't get this any more!
